Two of Judah’s last kings are the subjects of a lament for their having ruled inappropriately.
Ezekiel 19:1-14
Pastor Gene Pensiero
Series: Cry Me A River (Ezekiel)
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In Ezekiel 19:1-14 – Kings of the Bungle, we dive into an expository sermon on one of the most poignant laments in the Old Testament. In this chapter, God sings a funeral song for Judah and two of its last kings, lamenting their inappropriate leadership and failure to walk in His ways. What lessons can modern Christians learn from these ancient rulers?
This study is organized around two critical questions:
Is the Lord lamenting your portrayal of the lion?
Is the Lord lamenting your lack of fruit on the vine?
Discover how these questions challenge believers to live lives set apart from the world’s desires and methods, walking in step with God’s will. Ezekiel’s message resonates deeply today, urging us to reflect on our spiritual walk and bear fruit that glorifies the Lord.
If you’re passionate about Bible study, expository preaching, and learning how the Old Testament connects to your life today, this sermon is for you. Whether you’re exploring Christianity, studying Bible prophecy, or following Calvary Chapel teachings, don’t miss this in-depth look at Ezekiel 19.
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