Prophecy Update #579 – Quit Monkeying Around

We focus on Bible prophecy each week for about five-minutes. Since we are living in the Last Days, we want to know the signs of the time.

The Bible is about 30% prophecy. There are about 500 unfulfilled, Last Days prophecies. Since every past prophecy has been literally fulfilled, we expect every future prophecy to be literally fulfilled.

Jesus informed us that the Last Days would be “as the days of Noah.” He specifically mentioned the marriages that were occurring in the days of Noah. The passage of scripture Jesus pointed us to is the first four verses of Genesis chapter six. In them you find a very sinister type of marriage that was prevalent. Fallen angels were marrying and mating with human women.

I know it sounds fantastic; and that it raises a lot of questions. But that’s what it says.

The offspring of these matings were a race of giants called Nephilim. They weren’t just taller humans; they were genetically different. One of the reasons God brought the flood was to end the genetic corruption of the human race and repopulate through Noah and his sons.

With that as basic background, you’d expect the last days to feature genetic manipulation. And that’s exactly what is occurring.

The most recent article I read on this was titled. ‘It just really ethically scares me’: Caution urged as scientists look to create human-monkey chimeras.

The article begins by discussing how scientists are genetically altering the brains of monkeys to better understand, and perhaps cure, Alzheimer’s in humans. But then it expands on what others are doing, or want to do.


Some are going further, and proposing the creation of human-monkey chimeras – part-human beings with entire portions of the brain, like, say, the hippocampus, entirely human derived.

A new book on the science and ethics of chimeras, Yale University researchers say it’s time to explore, cautiously, the creation of human-monkey chimeras.

“The search for a better animal model to stimulate human disease has been a ‘holy grail’ of biomedical research for decades,” they wrote in Chimera Research: Ethics and Protocols.

“Realizing the promise of human-monkey chimera research in an ethically and scientifically appropriate manner will require a co-ordinated approach.”

I say, Planet of the Apes, and we can still laugh. What could go wrong?

Who knows if this will get off the ground and we have to deal with Caesar as the leader of intelligent apes?

I mention it because it is to be expected from a futurist reading of unfulfilled prophecy.

We’re not saying the things we report are the fulfillment – only that they are things to be expected.

Jesus promised He’d return to rapture His church – which entails the resurrection of the dead in Christ of the Church Age, then the translation from earth to Heaven of all living believers. It is presented in the Bible as an imminent (any-moment) event.

Then comes the seven-year great tribulation; then comes the second coming of Jesus Christ; then comes the 1000 year kingdom on earth; then comes the final judgment of all mankind; then comes eternity – with the Lord in Heaven, or without Him in conscious torment in the Lake of Fire.

Are you ready for the rapture? If not, get ready, stay ready, and keep looking up. Ready or not, Jesus is coming!