Prophecy Update #816 – Trump & Temple Prime Minister of Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel, recently called President Trump the greatest friend Israel has ever had in the White House. In his first term, President Trump did something amazing for Israel. He moved their embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.There is a great deal of speculation that
Prophecy Update #815 – Hard To Swallow Jesus compares His future death, burial, and resurrection to the experience of Jonah (Matthew 12:39-40). Jonah spent three days and three nights in the belly of a great fish, and similarly, Jesus would be in the tomb for three days and three nights before rising again.I hope you saw the video this w
Prophecy Update #814 – L.A. 2.0 In the wake of the fires in Los Angeles, some governmental leaders are suggesting we rebuild towns like Pacific Palisades and Eaton as ‘Smart Cities,’ with what they call a modern Marshall Plan. It sounds utopian, but history and prophecy suggest it would more likely be dystopian. Control over the t
Prophecy Update #813 – Who Made You God? An entire chapter in the Revelation, chapter 17, is dedicated to the future rise of a global religion. AI-based religions could emerge, where people worship a Godhead based on AI.Pastor Gene PensieroFind audio, video, and text of hundreds of other prophecy updates at: https://calvaryhanford.com/prop
Prophecy Update #812 – Normies Hermeneutics is the study of how to interpret the Bible. What principles & methods do we follow? Why do we follow them?Our ‘hermeneutic’ emphasizes a literal, grammatical-historical approach to interpreting the Bible. Here is what we mean.Pastor Gene PensieroFind audio, video, and text of hundreds o
Prophecy Update #811 – Getting To Know You It’s obvious that the world economies are moving closer to a cashless economy that will utilize biometrics to id everyone who wants to participate in society.Pastor Gene PensieroFind audio, video, and text of hundreds of other prophecy updates at: https://calvaryhanford.com/prophecy
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Prophecy Update #810 – Gimme That New-AI Religion You can see how AI could play a pivotal role in the global religion prophecies waiting to be fulfilled. It’s getting weird.Pastor Gene PensieroFind audio, video, and text of hundreds of other prophecy updates at: https://calvaryhanford.com/prophecy
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Prophecy Update #809 – Image Is Everything I asked ChatGPT, Could AI Fulfill the “Image of the Beast” Prophecy in Revelation 13? ChatGPT had a lot to say…even a joke!Pastor Gene PensieroFind audio, video, and text of hundreds of other prophecy updates at: https://calvaryhanford.com/prophecy
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Prophecy Update #808 – Debunking De-Banking China’s social credit system is a nationwide program designed to monitor and influence individual and organizational behavior. It assigns scores…and consequences.Pastor Gene PensieroFind audio, video, and text of hundreds of other prophecy updates at: https://calvaryhanford.com/prophecy
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Prophecy Update #807 – The Mess-AI-iah? People will interact with the image of the Beast as if it were sentient. They will be required to worship the image as God. Something strikingly similar to that is happening right now.Pastor Gene PensieroFind audio, video, and text of hundreds of other prophecy updates at: https://calvaryhanford.com
Prophecy Update #806 – Blow, Blow, Blow Your Shofar Something happened during Passover that has not been seen on the Temple Mount for 2000 years!Pastor Gene PensieroFind audio, video, and text of hundreds of other prophecy updates at: https://calvaryhanford.com/prophecy
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Prophecy Update #805 – The Pearly (Bill) Gates The Roman Catholic Church has long been believed to be the fulfillment of the one-world religion in Revelation. Bill Gates has a different idea.Pastor Gene PensieroFind audio, video, and text of hundreds of other prophecy updates at: https://calvaryhanford.com/prophecy
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Prophecy Update #804 – Ark My Words Daniel, Ezekiel and other Old Testament prophets predicted that there will be a Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem during the future 7 year Great Tribulation. Animal sacrifice will be reinstated.Pastor Gene PensieroFind audio, video, and text of hundreds of other prophecy updates at: htt
Prophecy Update #803 – Is There An Avatar In Your Future? The Antichrist will have a sentient statue? It sounds like some type of interactive Artificial Intelligence. Which leads us to something Facebook is going to roll-out called PhotoReal Avatars.Pastor Gene PensieroFind audio, video, and text of hundreds of other prophecy updates at: https://calvaryhan
Prophecy Update #802 – Dehumanized There is no way of predicting the path of transhumanism. Our point is simple: Centuries ago sinister malevolent forces tried to erase what it means to be human by genetic manipulation.Pastor Gene PensieroFind audio, video, and text of hundreds of other prophecy updates at: https://calvaryhanford.com
Prophecy Update #801 – Get America Godly Again There is a scale for gauging a nation’s evil. It is found in the first chapter of the New Testament letter to the Romans. God explains that there are three milestones a nation will pass on its descent into evil.Pastor Gene PensieroFind audio, video, and text of hundreds of other prophecy updates at:
Prophecy Update #800 – Our Common Future One thing that the UN wants to implement is a new ‘apex body’ in charge of the world’s entire financial system that will enhance its coherence and align its priorities with its 2030 agenda.Pastor Gene PensieroFind audio, video, and text of hundreds of other prophecy updates at: https://calvaryhanfor
Prophecy Update #799 – O Knows Revelation says people will worship the image of the Beast. If it turns out to be powered by AI, who would possibly worship that? I know someone…Pastor Gene PensieroFind audio, video, and text of hundreds of other prophecy updates at: https://calvaryhanford.com/prophecy
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Prophecy Update #798 – The Robots Are Coming! The Robots Are Coming! Whether it is AI or something else, the stage is being set for a global government, a global economy, and even a global religion that worships the antichrist.Pastor Gene PensieroFind audio, video, and text of hundreds of other prophecy updates at: https://calvaryhanford.com/prophecy
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Prophecy Update #797 – ACU OMG Arizona Christian University conducts an annual worldview survey among incoming freshmen and other respondents. The 2023 study documented significant and alarming declines among born-again Christians, indicating that a Biblical worldview does not inform their actions or decisions.Pastor Gene Pensier
Prophecy Update #796 – Face Finger Just when I thought we had covered everything biometric, I discovered something called UID. It stands for Unique Identity Number and is utilized in India.Pastor Gene PensieroFind audio, video, and text of hundreds of other prophecy updates at: https://calvaryhanford.com/prophecy
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Prophecy Update #795 – Soul Wars As Israel fights Hamas, Hezbollah, and eventually Iran, there is an intensifying supernatural war…for souls. Pastor Gene PensieroFind audio, video, and text of hundreds of other prophecy updates at: https://calvaryhanford.com/prophecy
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Prophecy Update #794 – This Mount Is My Mount None of the major news outlets understand the true cause of the fighting in Israel that began with the October 7 attack by Hamas. In May of 2021 Hamas launched rockets in retaliation for Israeli security forces entering the Al Aqsa Mosque after Palestinians threw stones and other objects at them. Ha
Prophecy Update #793 – @TextWithJesus A new AI powered app offers users a chance to talk with characters from the Bible. Developer Anthony Levandowski is an AI pioneer who believes we can bring “heaven on earth.” He launched an AI religion, called Way of the Future.Pastor Gene PensieroFind audio, video, and text of hundreds of other pro