David finds himself in a fight or flight situation, but instead decides to go through door number three: Right. The way of God’s righteousness.
Psalm 11
Gene Pensiero Jr
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Welcome to an in-depth Bible study through Psalm 11, a powerful passage that speaks to the heart of every believer facing life’s challenges. In this expository sermon, we explore how David, caught in a fight-or-flight situation, chooses a third, God-honoring path: the way of righteousness. When the world feels like it’s crumbling around us, how can we find true shelter, peace, and hope? By taking refuge in Jesus Christ and walking in His righteousness.
Whether you’re new to Christianity, a seasoned believer, or simply seeking encouragement, this study will inspire and equip you to trust God during times of trouble and uncertainty. As we unpack the meaning of Psalm 11, you’ll discover practical insights for your spiritual journey and be reminded that God’s righteousness is your refuge and strength.
At Calvary Hanford, we’re passionate about systematic Bible study and sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. If you’re looking for Christian sermons, Bible devotionals, or teaching from the Calvary Chapel movement, this video is for you.
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