Ezekiel 21:1-32 – The Sword In The Sigh The Lord sighs with deep feeling as He draws His sword to bring judgment upon His people.Ezekiel 21:1-32
Pastor Gene Pensiero
Series: Cry Me A River (Ezekiel)Find the rest of this series at https://calvaryhanford.com/crymeariverFind audio, video, and text of hundreds of other studies at https://calv
Ezekiel 20:45-49 – I’ve Seen Fire & I’ve Seen Pain The LORD describes His discipline of Judah and Jerusalem as a fire that will consume everything in its path.Ezekiel was God’s 6th century prophet to the Judean Jews exiled in Babylon. A remarkable number of his prophecies were presented as silent theatrical dramas. When he did speak, Ezekiel frequen
Ezekiel 20:1-44 – National Inquirers: Idolatrous Minds Want To Know The Elders of the nation of Judah come to inquire of the Lord, but they didn’t need a new message from God, they needed to obey what He had already revealed to them. In our own lives, we may have experienced times when it seems as though God is not telling us what to do, where to go, and what to say
Ezekiel 19:1-14 – Kings Of The Bungle Two of Judah’s last kings are the subjects of a lament for their having ruled inappropriately.Ezekiel 19:1-14
Pastor Gene Pensiero
Series: Cry Me A River (Ezekiel)Find the rest of this series at https://calvaryhanford.com/crymeariverFind audio, video, and text of hundreds of other studies at https:/
Ezekiel 18:1-32 – The Daddy Made Me Do It The Lord tells the sixth century Jews that they are wrong in blaming their fathers for their predicament and should instead take personal responsibility.Ezekiel 18:1-32
Pastor Gene Pensiero
Series: Cry Me A River (Ezekiel)Find the rest of this series at https://calvaryhanford.com/crymeariver
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Ezekiel 17:1-24 – Riddle Me This, Riddle Me That, The Eagle You Picked Does Not Have Your Back The LORD tells a captivating story in which He rescues an abandoned baby, raises her, marries her, only for her to betray Him and become a harlot.Ezekiel 17:1-24
Pastor Gene Pensiero
Series: Cry Me A River (Ezekiel)Find the rest of this series at https://calvaryhanford.com/crymeariver
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Ezekiel 16:1-63 – You Must Have Been A Beautiful Baby, But Harlot, Look At You Now The LORD tells a captivating story in which He rescues an abandoned baby, raises her, marries her, only for her to betray Him and become a harlot.Ezekiel 16:1-63
Pastor Gene Pensiero
Series: Cry Me A River (Ezekiel)Find the rest of this series at https://calvaryhanford.com/crymeariver
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Ezekiel 15:1-8 – Wildwood & Vine Instead of bearing spiritual fruit in the LORD’s vineyard, the 6th century Jews chose to be wild vines in the forest.Ezekiel 15:1-8
Pastor Gene Pensiero
Series: Cry Me A River (Ezekiel)Find the rest of this series at https://calvaryhanford.com/crymeariver
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Ezekiel 14:12-23 – We Three Saints Of Righteousness Are Not even a prayer team of Noah, Daniel & Job could stop God’s judgment on idolatrous Judah.Ezekiel 14:12-23
Pastor Gene Pensiero
Series: Cry Me A River (Ezekiel)Find the rest of this series at https://calvaryhanford.com/crymeariver
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Ezekiel 14:1-11 – Please Seize Me, O Lord, So I’ll Please You The LORD deems His judgments upon Judah as attempts to “seize them by their heart,” to lead them to “Repent!”Ezekiel 14:1-11
Pastor Gene Pensiero
Series: Cry Me A River (Ezekiel)Find the rest of this series at https://calvaryhanford.com/crymeariver
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Ezekiel 13:1-23 – All We Are Saying Is Peace Is At Hand False prophets convinced their fellow Jews that there would be peace in Jerusalem.Ezekiel 13:1-23
Pastor Gene Pensiero
Series: Cry Me A River (Ezekiel)Find the rest of this series at https://calvaryhanford.com/crymeariver
Find audio, video, and text of hundreds of other studies at https://calvaryhan
Ezekiel 12:1-28 – All My Bags Are Packed, I’m Ready To Go Ezekiel packs his bags as a sign that Prince Zedekiah would seek to escape during the Babylonian siege of Jerusalem.Ezekiel 12:1-28
Pastor Gene Pensiero
Series: Cry Me A River (Ezekiel)Find the rest of this series at https://calvaryhanford.com/crymeariver
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Ezekiel 11:1-25 – Total Exchange Of The Heart The Lord shares His desire to give believers the permanent indwelling of God the Holy Spirit.Ezekiel 11:1-25
Pastor Gene Pensiero
Series: Cry Me A River (Ezekiel)Find the rest of this series at https://calvaryhanford.com/crymeariver
Find audio, video, and text of hundreds of other studies at https:/
Ezekiel 10:1-22 – Mine Eyes Have Seen The Glory Of The Leaving Of The Lord After 400 years dwelling among His people, the glory of the LORD departs the Temple.Ezekiel 10:1-22
Pastor Gene Pensiero
Series: Cry Me A River (Ezekiel)Find the rest of this series at https://calvaryhanford.com/crymeariver
Find audio, video, and text of hundreds of other studies at https://calvaryh
Ezekiel 9:1-11 – Inka Dinka Do You Have His Mark On You? The righteous remnant of Jews are marked on their foreheads for safe keeping by a man with an ink horn.Ezekiel 9:1-11
Pastor Gene Pensiero
Series: Cry Me A River (Ezekiel)Find the rest of this series at https://calvaryhanford.com/crymeariver
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Ezekiel 8:1-18 – Dig Dug The LORD tells Ezekiel to “dig into the wall” and when he dug into the wall, there was a door.Ezekiel 8:1-18
Pastor Gene Pensiero
Series: Cry Me A River (Ezekiel)Find the rest of this series at https://calvaryhanford.com/crymeariver
Find audio, video, and text of hundreds of other studies at https:/
Ezekiel 7:1-27 – I Hear The Chain A-Comin’, Its Comin’ Means The End Ezekiel dramatized his prophecy making a chain as a prop.Ezekiel 7:1-27
Pastor Gene Pensiero
Series: Cry Me A River (Ezekiel)Find the rest of this series at https://calvaryhanford.com/crymeariver
Find audio, video, and text of hundreds of other studies at https://calvaryhanford.com/
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Ezekiel 6:1-14 – Stamp! In The Name Of Love, Before They Break My Heart The LORD tells Ezekiel to get the attention of the Jews by stamping his feet so He can tell them that their sin is breaking His heart.Ezekiel 6:1-14
Pastor Gene Pensiero
Series: Cry Me A River (Ezekiel)Find the rest of this series at https://calvaryhanford.com/crymeariver
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Ezekiel 5:1-17 – To Baldly Go Where No Prophet Has Gone Before Ezekiel’s 431-day physical theater presentation of the inevitable third and final siege of Jerusalem ends with him shaving his hair and beard with a sword.Ezekiel 5:1-17
Pastor Gene Pensiero
Series: Cry Me A River (Ezekiel)Find the rest of this series at https://calvaryhanford.com/crymeariver
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Ezekiel 3:22-4:17 – Dung And Dumber Ezekiel’s forward-looking ministry begins with him rendered dumb & cooking bread using feces for fuel.Ezekiel 3:22-4:17
Pastor Gene Pensiero
Series: Cry Me A River (Ezekiel)Find the rest of this series at https://calvaryhanford.com/crymeariver
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Ezekiel 3:1-21 – The Fantastic Forehead The LORD readies Ezekiel for his ministry to hard-hearted Jews by “making his forehead strong… Like adamant stone.”Ezekiel 3:1-21
Pastor Gene Pensiero
Series: Cry Me A River (Ezekiel)Find the rest of this series at https://calvaryhanford.com/crymeariver
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Ezekiel 1:25-2:10 – Rebels, Rebels, Your Nation’s A Mess The LORD describes Ezekiel’s audience as rebels.Ezekiel 1:25-2:10
Pastor Gene Pensiero
Series: Cry Me A River (Ezekiel)Find the rest of this series at https://calvaryhanford.com/crymeariver
Find audio, video, and text of hundreds of other studies at https://calvaryhanford.com/
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Ezekiel 1:4-24 – Creature Features The LORD speeds to Ezekiel in Babylon, riding on His throne-chariot, carried by four living creatures.Ezekiel 1:4-24
Pastor Gene Pensiero
Series: Cry Me A River (Ezekiel)Find the rest of this series at https://calvaryhanford.com/crymeariver
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Ezekiel 1:1-3 – I Coulda Been A Kohanim The destruction of Solomon’s Temple and the deportation of Jews to Babylon cancelled Ezekiel from serving as a kohanim in the Temple.Ezekiel 1:1-3
Pastor Gene Pensiero
Series: Cry Me A River (Ezekiel)Find the rest of this series at https://calvaryhanford.com/crymeariver
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