Mark 1:21-28 – Any Given Saturday Mark shows us a day-in-the-life of Jesus, starting with a dramatic scene in the synagogue of Capernaum.Our text in this study is: Mark 1:21-28
Series: Who Do You Say That He Is?
Gene Pensiero JrFind the rest of the series at https://calvaryhanford.com/whodoyousaySubscribe on YouTube at:
Mark 1:12-20 – The Sovereign Is Calling And I Must Go Jesus faces the Devil in the wilderness then goes looking for disciples who He calls to follow after Him.Our text in this study is: Mark 1:12-20
Series: Who Do You Say That He Is?
Gene Pensiero JrFind the rest of the series at https://calvaryhanford.com/whodoyousaySubscribe on YouTube at:
Mark 1:4-11 – Talking With A Man Down By The River John the Baptist preaches to multitudes about the coming Messiah Who then shows up one day!Our text in this study is: Mark 1:4-11
Series: Who Do You Say That He Is?
Gene Pensiero JrFind the rest of the series at https://calvaryhanford.com/whodoyousaySubscribe on YouTube at:
Mark 1:1-3 – Who Do You Say That He Is? Mark’s Gospel opens with some clear and history-changing declarations about Who Jesus is. But now that the Messiah has been revealed, what does it really mean to be His disciple?Our text in this study is: Mark 1:1-3
Series: Who Do You Say That He Is?
Gene Pensiero JrFind the rest of the series at ht